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About This Wish

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Cleaning Supplies for Tenesher to keep her home tidy

Posted Dec 17, 2020
Tenesher is asking for some cleaning supplies for her home. She has always worked two jobs to get by, but due to the pandemic, her weekend job at Burlington has stopped giving her hours. Tenesher cannot afford cleaning supplies, which can be quite costly, and values the cleanliness of her home tremendously. Please consider assisting Tenesher with new supplies for her home!

Tenesher is 29 years old and lives in NY

Tenesher is an amazing young woman who aged out of foster care a few years ago after spending more than 10 years in care. She graduated with her Bachelor's Degree and has since begun working full time providing resources and support to young people currently in foster care. She is a passionate advocate, a hard worker, and one of the most resilient young women we know! Tenesher is also currently attending law school at Fordham, and looks forward to a career of service to others. She plans to use her law degree to help youth and families with legal assistance who cannot typically afford these services. She additionally plans on mentoring youth once she is established in her career, and giving back to youth who need a positive role model.

The Wish Story

City Living NY requests this wish for Tenesher.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Tenesher! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Tenesher, Keeping your home clean must be difficult since you are working so hard. I am proud of you for recognizing the importance of cleanliness. I hope this gift gives you comfort throughout the year. Merry Christmas to you - I hope your new year is safe and healthy!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Tenesher.

City Living NY receives the wish!

Tenesher receives the gift from City Living NY!

"Thank you for granting this wish, and for your kind note. Like many former foster youth, Tenesher takes immense pride in her home - the first she has ever had. From decorating to cleanliness, she values her home to the fullest! But cleaning supplies are costly, making it hard to maintain her home how she wants it. So thank you SO much for granting this wish, and helping Tenesher start off the new year on the right foot!"

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