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Birthday Gifts for Francis who will be celebrating his birthday for the first time

Posted Jan 21, 2021
When Francis entered foster care, he said he has never celebrated his birthday before. Six birthdays have come and gone without any gifts or cake or gathering of friends and family. Francis is hoping that this year he can finally have a celebration or at least acknowledgement of his special day. He turns 7 in February and would love to be surprised with new race cars, a few new outfits, and other presents. He deserves to be celebrated every day, especially on his birthday! Granting this wish will remind Francis that he is worthy and deserving of so much love!

Francis is 10 years old and lives in OH

Francis is an only child and has come so far since entering foster care. His mental health and understanding of boundaries has improved so much. He also is not as afraid of the dark anymore which which is a huge accomplishment! He is a sweet child who needs a lot of love and attention so he is happy he has that in his current home. Francis enjoys playing with race cars and balloons. He also loves to model for pictures and eat sub sandwiches.

The Wish Story

Necco requests this wish for Francis.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Steven grants the wish for Francis! Thanks Steven.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Necco for Francis.

Necco receives the wish!

Francis receives the gift from Necco !

"Francis got a couple race cars and a few snazzy outfits! He helped pick out the outfits but was so excited to learn about the race cars that got picked out for him. He said it was the best surprise ever "

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