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A ring light for Roxanne to kickstart her YouTube make-up channel

Posted Jan 26, 2021
Roxanne loves make-up and fashion, and is planning on starting her own Youtube make-up channel. She needs a ring light so she looks her best on camera when she presents all of her newest make-up tricks for her followers.

Roxanne is 22 years old and lives in NM

Roxanne entered care in her teen years, and was able to transition to an independent living program. The New Day program taught Roxanne daily living skills, and supported her with educational and employment resources, transitional housing, money management, and decision making skills, all with the goal of self-sufficiency. Roxanne is so proud she has enrolled in school and has secured housing.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Roxanne! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Roxanne.

Roxanne receives the wish from One Simple Wish

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