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Pacifiers for Raine to complete her delivery room duffel bag

Posted Mar 9, 2021
Raine is trying to put together her bags for when she goes to deliver and when she goes home with her baby. She said "now all I have left to get is pacifiers." While staff and others may think there are more things than just the pacifier to worry about, Raine stated she feels her bag would be complete with them. She has been preparing for her baby's arrival for months and this is the last thing on her list!

Raine is 20 years old and lives in NC

Raine has been in foster care for a few years. She hopes to complete school and work toward her goal of becoming a chef. She states her goals are to own her own restaurant or bakery some day. She started baking with her grandmother and has loved it ever since. Right now, she wants to get a job in a restaurant and possibly work alongside a chef. She has some health concerns and this is why she is where she is with her placement. She is also looking forward to having a baby in next few months. She states she has a lot to learn about parenting.

The Wish Story

Florence Crittenton Services requests this wish for Raine.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Florence Crittenton Services for Raine.

Florence Crittenton Services receives the wish!

Raine receives the wish from Florence Crittenton Services

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