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About This Wish

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Cool and Comfortable Clothes for Ace to wear to summer camp

Posted Jun 23, 2021
Ace will be attending summer camp this year along with his brothers. He is in need of some new summer clothes to wear to camp including shirts, shorts, socks, and bathing suits. He is really excited as this is his first year ever attending summer camp! Having some new clothes will help him feel totally prepared for having fun and making friends.

Ace is 13 years old and lives in NJ

Ace is a hardworking student and really enjoys school. He really enjoys science and math. He is the oldest of three siblings and is very hands on and protective of his younger brothers. Ace enjoys playing outside with his siblings and likes riding his scooter.

The Wish Story

Thomas grants the wish for Ace! Thanks Thomas.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Ace.

Ace receives the gift from Division of Child Protection and Permanency!

"Your generosity is very much appreciated by this special child who is really excited that their wish was granted. Thank you!"

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