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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

An Instant Cell Phone Photo Printer for Amira who is an aspiring photographer

Posted Oct 25, 2021
Amira loves taking pictures and wants to be a photographer when she graduates. Amira has a great eye for taking pictures. She is an only child and her camera phone has been a great tool for Amira to express herself. With this printer, Amira will be able to print out the beautiful pictures she takes with her phone. This printer all wrapped up under the tree will be a sweet surprise for Amira.

Amira is 18 years old and lives in VA

Amira was recently removed from her father's home and placed in foster care. She continues to have a positive outlook on the world regardless of her current circumstances. Amira loves to read and write songs. She loves animals and hopes to have her own puppy one day. Amira loves school and dreams of being a nurse to help people.

The Wish Story

Chesapeake Human Services requests this wish for Amira.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Chesapeake Human Services for Amira.

Amira receives the wish from VA DSS - Chesapeake City County

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