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A Comfy Baby Carrier for Newborn Zion to Ride In

Posted Nov 22, 2021
Sleepy newborn Zion loves to be held and rocked. He loves being held by his mama and cries when he is put down. Zion would like a baby carrier so he can be worn by his mom. Zion's mom is taking online classes so this will allow Zion to be held while she is doing schoolwork and housework or is out and about. Baby Zion did not have a baby shower so he is missing some essential baby items. Your support will mean a lot to this family.

Zion is 3 years old and lives in GA

Zion is a sweet cuddly healthy newborn. He was born full term and lives with his young mother in an independent living foster care apartment. His mom thinks he is the cutest baby ever and is doing well caring for him. His mom had a difficult childhood and had to leave her home due to her mothers drug abuse, so they have almost no family support. His young mom is making good choices and working hard for a better life for herself and Zion.

The Wish Story

Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Teen Parent Connection requests this wish for Zion.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Zion! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope baby Zion loves being snuggled to his mom. Sending love to your family."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Teen Parent Connection for Zion.

Zion receives the wish from Multi-Agency Alliance for Children, Teen Parent Connection

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