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About This Wish

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Warm Clothes for Mateo to stay warm this winter

Posted Dec 14, 2021
Mateo is growing big and strong and most of his winter clothes from last year don't fit him. He is in need of socks, pants, sweaters, jackets, beanies, warm pajamas, and scarves. Mateo's mother is a teen parent who escaped a dangerous situation, and she does her best to provide but finances have been tight. Mateo would love to have some warm clothes to stay cozy all winter!

Mateo is 6 years old and lives in NV

Mateo is the oldest son of a foster youth who is a teen parent. He is energetic and fun loving. He loves to play with his little bother and help his mom in the kitchen. He is getting used to to his new home and new surroundings away from chaos which is nice.

The Wish Story

Gizelle grants the wish for Mateo! Thanks Gizelle.

"Dear Mateo, Merry Christmas from our family to yours! The Jacobs Family"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alliance for Children's Rights for Mateo.

Alliance for Children's Rights receives the wish!

Mateo receives the gift from Alliance for Children's Rights!

"Thank you !"

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