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Life Skills Seminar for Michael to attend with his siblings at summer camp

Posted Mar 10, 2022
Michael is already thinking about life after foster care, and is also concerned about how his siblings will find their way in the world. He has been asking his social worker and foster family to be connected to a sibling he's separated from, as well as access to support services and a peer community so that they can start thinking about life after foster care. This wish will fund his participation in a Life Skills Seminar alongside his siblings during a summer camp that will also include plenty of summer camp FUN. Life Skills Seminar will bring in alumni foster care from around the state, provide all supplies needed, and leave Michael with ideas and resources that he can access anytime after camp. Michael really would like to be with his siblings more often, which is not always possible due to foster care, this seminar would bring them together while also allowing them to bond over a vast array of different and fun things!

Michael is 21 years old and lives in ME

Michael is the oldest of multiple brothers, who he has been living in a separate foster home from through no fault of his own. He loves music, goofing off outside with his brothers, and staying in touch with old friends on social media even as he changes schools and homes. He is not able to see his brothers for more than brief visits other than at Camp To Belong.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Michael! Thanks Awesome Human.

"We hope you enjoy the time with your siblings and have a fun time at camp."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Camp to Belong Maine for Michael.

Michael receives the gift from Camp to Belong Maine!

"Thank you so much for contributing towards this valuable skill and morale building seminar for our teen camper. We look forward to connecting them with young adults who have navigated past the foster care system, connecting her with resources and advocates, and doing all of this alongside peers at camp."

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