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Tuition Support for Jai who wants to be an Infectious Disease Specialist

Posted Jun 22, 2022
This wish is not only important for Jai, but her family. After migrating to this country with little opportunity, her family made sacrifices for her to have the opportunity to attain higher education with less resistance than they'd faced. As the first to attain a high school diploma, Jai is honored that she will also be the first in her family to receive a bachelor's degree. Receiving a bachelor's degree in Microbiology will allow Jai to follow her dreams of becoming an infectious disease scientist overseas. Considering all that has happened with the pandemic, her plans are to pursue a Ph.D in Global Infectious Disease and hopefully help to solve some infectious disease issues in Africa, Asia and throughout the Caribbean. Having this wish granted will allow Jai to obtain her bachelor's degree! She is looking forward to walking across the stage June 11, 2022 and continuing to pursue her dreams of becoming a research scientist.

Jai is 29 years old and lives in OR

Jai is an amazing young woman who has accomplished so much in her young life. She put herself through high school and college on her own, and while it was difficult doing it alone, she has become very resilient along the way. Jai was fortunate to have a wonderful foster mom that always encouraged her to be the best she could be. Jai is thankful her foster mom is still in her life to provide guidance and support when needed. During her time in college she completed two research projects she is really proud of, and she just published her first book! Jai will be applying to medical school in the 2022 cycle.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish requests this wish for Jai.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Jai! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Jai.

Jai receives the wish from One Simple Wish FFY Group

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