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About This Wish

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A Few New Outfits for Nevaeh for back to school

Posted Aug 31, 2022
Nevaeh would love to go on a shopping trip to buy new clothes for school. Nevaeh enjoys going shopping and continues to grow out of her clothing. She would love to spend a day having fun going shopping! With this wish she can get a few new pairs of leggings and fun shirts to wear all year long!

Nevaeh is 13 years old and lives in OH

Nevaeh is a spunky and brave girl. She has been through so much at such a young age. She is kind and caring. She strives to be a friend to all. Nevaeh wants to make others happy. She is very protective of her younger brothers who live in a separate foster home. She would rather spend time with her foster family all together than getting one on one time because she doesn't want to leave anyone out. She holds herself to a high standard and always wants to improve herself. She went from not being able to write her name or recognize letters to being able to write her name recognizing some letters after entering foster care. She enjoys being active and playing outside. Nevaeh loves to ride on her scooter in the neighborhood with her foster sisters. She is a special and resilient child who despite what she has been through is a very kind, caring positive person.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nevaeh! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Nevaeh..I hope you buy some really nice cute new clothes for school and have fun shopping! I love to shop too! Keep up the good work and keep studying and doing well in school and it will take you wherever you want to go in life! I'm rooting for you! We are all proud of you and I will keep you always in my prayers. Ms. Debbie "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Nevaeh.

Nevaeh receives the gift from Focus on Youth, Inc.!

"Thank you for helping Neveah look her best for school. She loves to shop and is going to love picking out new clothes. People like you reinforce my faith in humanity!"

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