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A Flight for Jernica to the upcoming National Black Book Festival to receive her award

Posted Oct 17, 2022
Jernica's first book is a finalist at the upcoming National Black Book Festival - Black Authors Matters Awards. This is such an amazing honor, and Jernica was just stunned when she learned the great news. She would love to go to Houston and be honored for her work, but she is not able to afford the flight. This wish will get Jernica to Houston, where she can meet other up and coming Black authors, learn more about marketing and selling her book, and bask in the glow of her well-deserved award.

Jernica is 41 years old and lives in NJ

Jernica is a new author who writes about her life, and in spite of her life challenges and the trauma she has endured, she has written her first book with grace and love. She was able to connect with a local non-profit and complete her education and nursing degree. Jernica is excited about all of the new opportunities in her life.

The Wish Story

Saving Grace Ministries Inc. requests this wish for Jernica.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

SUSAN grants the wish for Jernica! Thanks SUSAN.

"So proud of you Jernica for being a finalist in the National Black Book Festival! Keep on writing! Safe travels and a Big Hug !!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Saving Grace Ministries Inc. for Jernica.

Jernica receives the wish from Saving Grace Ministries,Inc.

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