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About Rickelle

Rickelle is 17 years old and lives in OH

Rickelle is a bubbly, friendly girl. She is very involved in school. Rickelle is a peer leader in her school, and was also elected class president! She is very proud of her accomplishments and enjoys pushing herself to achieve new things. She likes to be involved in the community. She likes to know the details of everything going on. Rickelle does well academically and is very proud of her A-B average, though she pushes to obtain perfection. Rickelle also enjoys arts and crafts. She engages in pretend play with her younger siblings and often assumes leadership roles. Rickelle is part of a sibling group of 6 that had been placed in separate homes for almost a year, before finally being placed in a home all together. The siblings are all very bonded and so happy to be in the same home!