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About Hunter

Hunter is 12 years old and lives in NJ

Hunter is an adorable little boy. He loves his daddy and his Maggie very much. Hunter's favorite colors are red, blue, and green. He loves anything having to do with Marvel superheroes and anything that goes fast, whether it is cars, airplanes, etc. He is in a half day Pre-Kindergarten for children with behavioral and/or developmental needs. Hunter is prone to tantrums and acting out when he is not in charge or is told he cannot do certain things and the school program is working with him and his family on how to best correct and improve his behaviors. The family was recently told that Hunter has ADHD and is now in a weekly therapy program to help the family and him manage and control his behaviors. But no matter what, he still loves his older sister, Izzy, the most and wants to be a mechanic just like his daddy.