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About Caroline

Caroline is 23 years old and lives in IN

Caroline is the oldest in a sibling group of three. She has spent most of her life neglected by drug-abusing family members and grew to be a parent-figure for her younger brother and sister. Amazingly, she has remained drug free and is determined to make a different life for herself. Unfortunately, she was seperated from her siblings, but hopes they can be back together soon. She has frequent phone contact with them and occasionally gets to spend time with her sister in person. Caroline has a strong and beautiful spirit. She graduated high school and held her head high despite neither of her parents showing up to celebrate this accomplishment with her. We truly believe this girl can do anything she puts her mind to. So many adults in her life didn't think she would make it this far, but she is proving them wrong every step of the way. Today she works full time and is making a life for herself.