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About Alisha

Alisha is 23 years old and lives in NJ

Alisha is a high school student who lacks confidence and self-esteem. We look for ways to provide her with opportunities that build up these things for her. Showing her she’s good at something she never believed she would be puts the biggest smile on her face. She does not have many friends her age and finds comfort in her family, her mentor relationship, and animals. She has siblings that she barely sees and her parents are her best friends. She has been having a tough time at school this year and will have to repeat a grade. She has one of the biggest hearts, she cares so much about people s and she loves to take care of animals. Alisha is a high school student who flourishes through music. She plays guitar, loves to sing, and finds much joy listening to her favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, and Demi Lovato.