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About Suri

Suri is 17 years old and lives in OH

Suri is a sweet, bubbly little girl who immigrated here with her family and speaks 3 languages! She is a girly-girl, and loves dolls and doing hair. Suri has had a really rough time in her short life, and has gone through things no little girl should ever have to go through, but is one of the most resilient children you will ever meet! She is the oldest in her sibling group, but has unfortunately been separated from her younger siblings. Because of what she has been through, Suri is a huge people-pleaser, and her foster parents worked hard to help her realize she does not have to please everyone. Suri has found her voice and is learning the balance her needs, with the needs of those around her. Suri is now placed in an amazing adoptive home and is thriving!