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About Yiwen

Yiwen is 24 years old and lives in CA

Yiwen has recently graduated from high school, which is a major accomplishment as he lived independently for a portion of the time he attended high school. His high school graduation is also quite an accomplishment as he has endured a number of challenges during his high school years and has managed to overcome them. Since Yiwen has been in foster care, his grades have drastically improved and he has not had to worry about having his needs met, as well as being in a loving, caring, nurturing environment which has allowed him to thrive. One of Yiwen's favorite things to do is ride his bicycle, as this not only allows him to get to where he needs and wants to go, but allows him to decompress and relieve stress. Yiwen utilizes his bicycle to go to work and school, and will continue to use his bicycle when he is moved into his apartment after he turns 18 (transitional/ILP) Yiwen is amazing young man who is very polite, friendly, has a great sense of humor, is very intelligent, engages well with others and is always thinking of others first. He makes connections with just about everyone he meets! Yiwen is motivated and driven to succeed and we at Greater Hope know he will do so.