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About Dontaiya

Dontaiya is 27 years old and lives in NJ

Dontaiya is a single mother of 1 young son. Dontaiya has had great lost in her family, including losing her child’s father due to a homicide within the last few years. Despite these challenging circumstances in the household, her and her son continue to bond and remember his name. Her son is rambunctious and lively, just like his mama. Lately, she’s been using her resources to enroll her son in school. Now that her son is attending a local charter school, Dontaiya plans to obtain part-time employment for herself and her household. Her big dream is to open up her own beauty salon one day. She wants to achieve this goal by first attending cosmetology school. Dontaiya is into fashion and beauty, especially hair braiding and styling. Sometimes Dontaiya does her friends and family member’s hair on the side for additional income. In person, Dontaiya is fun and outgoing. She places importance on family and loyalty.