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About Jazlynn

Jazlynn is 25 years old and lives in IN

Jazlynn is an 18 year old young lady who has been placed in foster care now for 3 and a half years. Most of this time has been spent in various residential treatment centers in and out of the state due to her significant mental health needs and past trauma that impacts her present life. In spite of this, Jazlynn has worked hard to overcome many of her obstacles. Her goal is to obtain post-secondary education in order to become a cosmetologist. After she was able to successfully complete her most recent residential treatment program, Jazlynn elected to continue studying and taking classes to earn her GED. She now resides with a foster family who desires to be a long term placement for Jazlynn to help her succeed in her goals and eventually become independent. Jazlynn is an intelligent individual and a quick learner who enjoys reading, art, fashion, beauty products, and board games.