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About Naikasha

Naikasha is 25 years old and lives in NJ

Naikasha is a very independent young woman whose personality is fun and expressive. Naikasha is extremely talented with her artistic abilities in singing. Whenever she uses her vocal ability, it makes everyone in the room listen. She wants to become an Aquatic Biologist in which she recently participated in a Job Shadowing program at the Aquarium in Camden NJ. She has a love for animals, science and wants to make a positive difference in the life of another. Due to Naikasha’s background with issues of abuse she struggles with issues of trust but manages to be open in the mentoring program. The holidays seem to be a very tough time for Naikasha but she always manages to pull through. This opportunity would be a nice gesture to show her that people care and that keeping your word can come from various sources.