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About Crystal

Crystal is 26 years old and lives in NJ

This past year has been extremely hard for Crystal. Due to being a victim of a home vandalization, Crystal was forced to start over with absolutely nothing. Everything she had (including everyday clothes, furniture, a laptop, school supplies, make-up, television and work uniforms) were destroyed. It has been extremely difficult to relocate and rebuild all of her belongings, but Crystal never once has complained. She has continued on and pushed through this tough time without any self-pity. Right now, Crystal is currently employed full-time at Amazon and is going to school at Essex County College full-time as well. In the past, Crystal attended and graduated from military school. She learned the art of discipline and continues to practice it while handling the demands of her busy schedule. Her big dream is to go to school and become a grade school teacher. In person, Crystal is very quiet, bubbly and always smiling and/or laughing. She has a very loving partner who she enjoys hanging out with. She holds African roots (from Ghana), which is a culture she values deeply. Crystal recently has been working towards eating healthier with the delicious food she makes.