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About Mar’tre

Mar’tre is 9 years old and lives in NJ

Mar’tre is the oldest sibling of 2 younger sisters. He is the best older brother ever! Mar’tre goes out of his way to help his mother take care of his sisters, especially his baby sister. He even knows how to make bottles and will play with his sisters if they are crying. In addition to taking great care of other siblings, he is the smartest young boy. Mar’tre can (and will) fully explain why he’s feeling the way that he is. His emotional intellect exceeds way beyond his current age. Sometimes, he can even keep up with a full debate with grown adults, that how smart he is. Mar’tre is always respectful and loving to others. He loves firetrucks. When they pass him on the road, he gets so excited! Mar’tre wants to be a fireman when he grows older. He also enjoys dancing to songs on the radio and making other people laugh. In person, Mar’tre is super outgoing and talkative.