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About Anna

Anna is 21 years old and lives in CO

Anna is a special kind of girl! Her entire life has been on of turmoil, loss and uncertainty. She was removed from her bio parents when she was only 6 moths old when both of them were put in jail. Loss #1. She spent a few years with her grandparents until they gave her back to her father on his release from prison. Loss #2. She lived with her father and his new wife and family and was never treated the same as their other children. Her father abused her in many ways. Anna ran away several times at the ages of 12 and 13 and was put into foster care at the age of 14. Loss #3. Since then she has suffered many, many more losses as she has been moved more times than we can count. She has now lived in foster homes, group homes, residential treatment canters and even hospitals. She spent 3 months in a residential center where no school credits could be earned and she was very heavily medicated. The main deficit that Anna has is her education. Because of her struggles she has not attended school since December 2018 so she is very behind academically. Very recently, she was placed in a new foster home and for the first time ever, she is doing quite well. She now presents herself as confident, mature respectful and accountable. She is wanting to "work on herself" for "herself" and no one else.She has been enrolled in an alternative high school that begins next Fall) and will be taking summer school classes. She would very much benefit from extra help in math so that her math level can be determined and she can get some much needed catch up work before next Fall. Anna is a lovely young woman who is learning coping skills, good choices and is finally abiding by the rules.. She loves music, art and all girly, teenage things!