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About H Family

H Family is 28 years old and lives in CO

The H. Family has been involved with DDHS since 2008. Made up of a sibling group of six, these kids have all gone through a lot, but have found peace with the support of each other, and in knowing that they will always remain family. Lindsey, the oldest sibling at 23 is in the process of taking custody of her three youngest siblings; John, Issac and Edward. Edward has had the greatest challenges, being in out of home placements since 2016, he had great difficulty being away from his siblings and family. He moved back into his mother’s home in May of 2019, upon which time the case was closed. The family also has Elizabeth and Ian, now 18 year old twins. Lindsey, John, Issac, Edward Elizabeth and Ian all need support right now, from us, and from each other.