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About Daylon

Daylon is 5 years old and lives in GA

Daylon's early life was filled with neglect and trauma. When he entered his grandmother's home, he was behind developmentally. However, Daylon is like a sponge; he takes in information and almost immediately remembers it. By the time he hit 3 yrs old, he already knew several words in sign language to communicate his needs, was speaking above average for his age and knew all his letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. Daylon loves to learn and loves to point out the things he's learned as well. He has sensory processing issues and stims when nervous or anxious about something. He's outgoing most of the time and silly. He loves music, games, and jokes. He looks to make up his jokes that make no sense to others, but you can't help but laugh because he gets so excited to tell them and laughs so hard as he tries to say to them.