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About Athena

Athena is 4 years old and lives in AZ

Athena is a sweet little girl who loves helping anywhere she can, from taking dirty clothes to the laundry room to bringing in the groceries. She loves to learn. She has watched her brother and cousin do schoolwork and mimics what they are doing. She knows her ABCs and can recognize most of the letters out of order. She can count to 12 without a mistake and is working up to 20. She is really good at matching-type games. She loves to play outside and especially loves to climb. She really likes coloring and her grandmother said her walls are proof. Her favorite things are Minnie Mouse and unicorns. (She calls them pony-corns.) She is very polite and almost always says thank you when she receives something. She also makes sure that her brother and cousin have something too if she has it. She does have an ornery side and will sneak in to grab a toy or something else and runs to drop it behind the couch but throws the biggest fit if it is done to her. Athena, her brother, and a cousin are being raised by their grandparents with the only income being grandpa's disability check.