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Beats headphones for Juan who likes to record his own music

Posted Jan 5, 2023
After working full-time as a cook and studying to earn a promotion to chef, Juan loves to come home and play his guitar to relax. He often plays traditional music from Mexico and Guatemala, and has recently started writing and recording his own music. These headphones will allow Juan to hear the music in a new way and help him record the next hit song!

Juan is 22 years old and lives in AZ

Juan is a hardworking and kind young man. He recently graduated from high school and has moved into his first apartment. Juan is working full time as a cook and has dreams of one day becoming an esteemed chef. When Juan has free time he likes to relax by working out at the local gym and playing guitar with his friends.

The Wish Story

Catholic Charities requests this wish for Juan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Give Now, Grant Later 22-23 grants the wish for Juan! Thanks Give Now, Grant Later 22-23.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Charities for Juan.

Juan receives the gift from Catholic Charities !

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