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About This Wish

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A Nintendo Switch to replace LeRoy's broken gaming system

Posted Apr 4, 2023
LeRoy was so thankful to receive a game system as a wish a few years ago. He loved playing and used gaming as a calming mechanism and a way to escape from his peers when he needed a break. Recently, LeRoy dropped his system causing the screen to shatter and he is absolutely heartbroken. He has taken his system to several places to be fixed but it's unrepairable. LeRoy is hoping for a Nintendo Switch Lite to help him continue to relax and have fun.

LeRoy is 15 years old and lives in TX

LeRoy is one of the strongest teenagers ever. Prior to being placed at his Residential Treatment Center, LeRoy was home alone raising his two younger brothers due to the death of his parent. LeRoy immediately adapted to being the parent. He ensured that he cooked meals for his siblings and made sure they were sent to school. LeRoy was unable to enjoy typical childhood things. After the passing of his father, he pushed his feelings, hurt, and depression aside to be a HERO for his siblings. LeRoy had to give his siblings all of his things, videogames, clothing, shoes etc. After fending for himself, the sibling were entered into care. The boys were immediately separated and lost contact temporarily. All three siblings are now placed together and continue to build a bond. LeRoy is still their HERO.

The Wish Story

Promise Rose Residential Care Home, Inc. requests this wish for LeRoy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Marie grants the wish for LeRoy! Thanks Marie.

"I hope you will enjoy this gift, sending love from Europe! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Promise Rose Residential Care Home, Inc. for LeRoy.

Promise Rose Residential Care Home, Inc. receives the wish!

LeRoy receives the gift from Promise Rose Residential Care Home, Inc.!

"Omg, thank you so much. I have been sooo depressed without my old one. You're a lifesaver! Thank you again. This means so much to me. "

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