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About This Wish

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A trampoline for Noah who loves to jump and flip

Posted Jul 10, 2023
Noah has asked for a trampoline for a long time. Being active is an effective way of releasing his excess energy and reducing his outbursts. Whenever he jumps on his friend's trampoline, he takes pride in showcasing his new tricks. Unlike some of his friends, Noah doesn't have many possessions, which is why he would be ecstatic if he received a trampoline as a gift. He would undoubtedly be glued to it and never want to get off!

Noah is 9 years old and lives in IL

Noah is a compassionate and empathetic young man, whose school recognized his kind nature by awarding him the Caring and Kindness award this year. Although he was born with opiates in his system and is prone to occasional outbursts, he always regrets his actions and strives to improve. Unfortunately, his biological father once called the police on him, but the officer who responded was so understanding and compassionate that it left a profound impact on Noah, inspiring him to pursue a career in law enforcement. In his free time, Noah enjoys playing outdoors and even started a small business selling rocks with a friend, earning $7 in one afternoon. Currently, he lives with his grandmother and younger sister.

The Wish Story

Grandparents As Parents requests this wish for Noah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Noah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Noah - I hope you enjoy the trampoline and have a blast jumping and doing tricks!!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grandparents As Parents for Noah.

Noah receives the wish from Grandparents As Parents

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