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Back to School Shopping for Jayla who loves picking out her clothes

Posted Jul 25, 2023
Jayla sometimes struggles to find clothes that fit her comfortably but still make her feel good about herself, so she would love to have the chance to pick out some great fresh looks this year before the school year starts. She wants to go in feeling confident and happy!

Jayla is 9 years old and lives in OH

Jayla is such a big helper for her younger brothers. Since they were born, she has tried to help take care of them and put her own needs aside. She finally has a chance to explore her own interests, and she is having fun trying out new games and sports and spending time with friends from school.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Jayla.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Susan grants the wish for Jayla! Thanks Susan.

"Jayla, What a beautiful name you have! I hope you find the perfect new clothes that make you feel like the special girl you are. You are precious and you are loved. Know that Jesus is always with you. You will be in my prayers. With love, Susan J. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Jayla.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

Jayla receives the gift from Therapeutic Interagency Program !

"Thank you! Jayla will be so glad to shop for some perfect outfits."

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