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About This Wish

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A few pet supplies for Deaven who just got a snake companion

Posted Aug 2, 2023
Deaven just moved into her first apartment. She had been feeling very lonely and missed having a pet to take care of, so she got a snake as a companion. She would like to buy some items for her snake to be more comfortable and live a happy life.

Deaven is 21 years old and lives in OR

Deaven is a very bright young adult. She is making tons of progress towards her goals and has been focusing on school. She is taking summer school classes to catch up on her credits. She is very motivated and loves to spend time with her friends.

The Wish Story

Catholic Community Services requests this wish for Deaven.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Deaven! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I used to have a snake as well! Handle them often and give them lots of love. Also, they love to take a warm bath, shallow bath. Enjoy your new friend!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Catholic Community Services for Deaven.

Deaven receives the wish from Catholic Community Services

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