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Rockin Jump pass for Aleena to get out some energy with her siblings

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Aleena loves to experience life. She is very active and loves being challenged. When she goes to any type of jumpy climbing place, she always tries to reach the highest goals. She would love to be able to spend some hours at Rockin Jump and share the fun with her siblings.

Aleena is 10 years old and lives in CA

Aleena’s mom died when she was six, and she was taken into care. When her caregiver passed away from COVID-19, it was hard for Aleena to start over again. She had a hard time adjusting and wouldn't go anywhere near water, out of fear. She has been working with Urban Surf 4 Kids and now loves surfing and spending time at the beach. She loves playing baseball and was the only girl on her Little League baseball team. She even got an award for being the bravest player because she never flinched once, even when the ball hit her twice! Despite her young age and experience with extreme abuse and neglect, she is strong and resilient.

The Wish Story

Urban Surf 4 Kids requests this wish for Aleena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Brittany grants the wish for Aleena! Thanks Brittany.

"Hope you and your siblings have so much fun!!! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban Surf 4 Kids for Aleena.

Aleena receives the wish from Urban Surf 4 Kids

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