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A battery powered jeep for Jax to drive to go dino hunting

Posted Sep 29, 2023
Jax would love a battery powered Jeep he can drive around. He goes to his cousins and they have one and he thinks it is the coolest thing ever when they let him have a turn driving it. He says he going dinosaur hunting. Most of the dinosaur movies have people driving jeeps so he thinks you need a jeep to Dino hunt. His grandmother said...what I wouldn’t give to see the look on his face if there was jeep sitting in his yard. He would squeal with delight!

Jax is 4 years old and lives in OH

Jax is happy little boy who is crazy about dinosaurs! He loves all things dinosaurs. He can tell you the names of so many different ones. Even names that his mawmaw, who is raising him, can't even pronounce. He loves to talk about dinosaurs, watch dinosaur shows and play with toy dinosaurs. He also knows all his colors and can count.

The Wish Story

Grandparents As Parents requests this wish for Jax.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Rosalie grants the wish for Jax! Thanks Rosalie.

"Happy dinosaur hunting!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grandparents As Parents for Jax.

Jax receives the wish from Grandparents As Parents

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