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A jacket for Eli's Halloween Costume as a Vampire

Posted Oct 1, 2023
Eli would like to dress as a vampire that is dressed in formal, yet spooky attire. This steam punk jacket fits the style he is trying to obtain. He is so excited to go out and get all his favorite candy this Halloween.

Eli is 16 years old and lives in OR

Eli is a creative youth whohopes to become an engineer one day. He enjoys learning about how things work and putting his creative energies into projects that involve challenges of problem-solving. Eli is always looking for activities that help to positively focus his mind on accomplishments during his time in foster care. He is working on skills that are socially engaging and building his self-esteem.

The Wish Story

Morrison Child and Family Services requests this wish for Eli.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Eli! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Morrison Child and Family Services for Eli.

Eli receives the gift from Morrison Child and Family Services!

""Dear Donor, I thank you for your support with my Halloween costume. Without your help I would've never achieved getting my costume which would have made me sad, but thanks to you I have achieved it and thank you for making my day shine. :)""

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