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A little help with rent while Eric is between jobs

Posted Oct 11, 2023
One of the two part-time jobs Eric began when he moved to Oregon recently fell through, and Eric is struggling to pay his rent. One-time rental assistance for this month would help Eric immensely until he starts another part-time job, which will begin in a few weeks. As soon as Eric starts his second part-time job, Eric will be able to cover his monthly expenses. Help with rent would prevent the possibility of homelessness and help Eric be able to participate and succeed in his accelerated CNA program.

Eric is 22 years old and lives in OR

Eric is an incredibly kind and thoughtful young man who aged out of foster care when he was 18 years old. Eric is trying to transition from working at fast-food chains to a career. He is hoping to enter the medical field. He recently moved to Oregon to attend a special CNA certification program. Eric loves to cook.

The Wish Story

1999 Collective requests this wish for Eric.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Eric! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the 1999 Collective for Eric.

Eric receives the gift from 1999 Collective !

"A million thank you's for your kindness that you generously extended to ensure that Eric can continue to build his life in a warm and safe place. It's people like YOU that make this world an infinitely better place. Thank you!"

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