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About This Wish

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Clothing for Daphne to keep cozy in the cold weather

Posted Oct 20, 2023
Daphne is placed in a foster home with her twin sister. Her foster family would love to get her some new clothes for the winter. Daphne is going to look so adorable in clothes that match her sisters'. They will absolute look cute together!

Daphne is 1 year old and lives in AZ

Daphne is a sweet, happy and loving little girl. She has a twin sister who she loves very much. They are inseparable and love to play together. Daphne's smile lights up a room and her giggle is the best. She has such a fun little personality.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Daphne.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Daphne! Thanks Awesome Human.


One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Daphne.

Daphne receives the gift from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services!

"Thank you so much for granting little Daphne's wish. Her foster family was able to go shopping and bought her some matching clothes with her sister! They look so cute!"

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