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A new coat for Dante to explore nature outdoors

Posted Nov 17, 2023
Dante enjoys going to the zoo and museums with NAC and his foster family to learn more about science and history. He also enjoys going on walks and finding new plants to research at home. He is in need of a new winter coat to keep him warm on his journey to finding new discoveries in nature.

Dante is 19 years old and lives in NY

Dante is currently in a foster home with his younger sister. He is a bright and resilient young man that loves math and science. Dante's favorite activities are reading about new discoveries in science and technology and explaining them to his sister and foster family. Dante hopes to one day become a scientist and teacher to make learning fun for other kids.

The Wish Story

New Alternatives for Children requests this wish for Dante.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Dante! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Dante, I hope you enjoy your new coat. I too love walks and the occasional visit to the Natural History Museum mainly to see the dinosaur fossils. Wishing you the very best. Sincerely, Suzanne "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the New Alternatives for Children for Dante.

Dante receives the wish from New Alternatives for Children

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