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About This Wish

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Noise-canceling headphones for Romando who doesn't like loud noises

Posted Nov 21, 2023
Romando needs a new pair of noise-canceling headphones for when the environment is just too loud. When Romando is overstimulated by noise, he will cover his ears and scream. Headphones would be great for him to be able to carry around just in case when he is out in the community.

Romando is 23 years old and lives in NJ

Romando is a sweet young man who enjoys going to amusement parks, bowling, being outside, and traveling with his family. Romando is non-verbal and doesn't like loud noises or large crowds. He is exceptionally good at folding clothes and putting them neatly where they belong. Romando currently lives with his Dad and three brothers. They lost their Mom three years ago to Brain Cancer and are doing their best.

The Wish Story

FLP Support Services requests this wish for Romando.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Romando! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you find these headphones helpful."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the FLP Support Services for Romando.

FLP Support Services receives the wish!

Romando receives the gift from FLP Support Services!

"These are much needed thank you! "

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