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About This Wish

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A Bay Blade set for King who loves action figures.

Posted Dec 12, 2023
King would be thrilled to receive a new Beyblade Burst quad set for Christmas. As a loving big brother, he would love to be able to play with his favorite toys together with his siblings. He truly deserves his Christmas wish, as he has been doing exceptionally well in school and has been a great help at home..

King is 10 years old and lives in NJ

King is an active boy who likes to be creative and play with others. He is the oldest of three. King is full of energy. He was born with a foot defect and had a corrective procedure that is healing well. King is in placement.

The Wish Story

Saving Grace Ministries,Inc. requests this wish for King.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for King! Thanks Awesome Human.

"King, So glad to hear you are doing well in school. You sound like a very nice person. Have fun playing with the Beyblade Burst quad set with your siblings. Merry Christmas and have a Happy & Healthy New Year. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Saving Grace Ministries,Inc. for King.

King receives the wish from Saving Grace Ministries,Inc.

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