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Birthday Talking Panda Paw's for Autumn to unwrap

Posted Dec 18, 2023
Autumn will be celebrating her birthday the first week of the New Year! She will love welcoming this new friend into her life! Fun during the day a cuddles at bed time! Sweet dreams with this sweet plushy by her side.

Autumn is 7 years old and lives in TX

Autumn is outgoing and very friendly. She loves to give hugs when she sees you! She enjoys playing with dolls, and in our play kitchen center, she has a great imagination! She loves the color pink and purple and all things sparkly, She also enjoys drawing and crafts. She is adjusting well, and you will generally find her smiling!

The Wish Story

K'STAR Inc. requests this wish for Autumn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Autumn! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy Birthday!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Autumn.

K'STAR Inc. receives the wish!

Autumn receives the gift from K'STAR Inc.!

"Autumn is going to love her talking Panda. It is wrapped and ready to go for her birthday! Thank you, K 'Star"

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