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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Ninetendo Switch Lite for Lucy to have her own gaming system

Posted Feb 16, 2024
Lucy loves to watch her foster brother play on his Xbox. She wishes she had a personal game system of her own. She's never had one, but every time she goes to Target, she likes to play on the Switch demos they have. Lucy wants her own for her upcoming birthday. This will make this girl jump up and down with delight!

Lucy is 10 years old and lives in NC

Lucy is so sweet and can be very sensitive at times due to the trauma she's endured. Foster care hasn't been easy for her, but she loves watching TV, and she loves to help her foster mother cook. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite subjects in school are science and reading. She says she wants to be a dentist or a doctor one day.

The Wish Story

Face It Mom requests this wish for Lucy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lucy! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Lucy, now you can play switch anytime you want!! Enjoy!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Face It Mom for Lucy.

Face It Mom receives the wish!

Lucy receives the gift from Face It Mom!

"Thank you so much! You've brought hope and joy back into this child's life, showing them it's okay to dream and wish again."

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