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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Cool toys for Kaycen to have a super time for his birthday

Posted Mar 29, 2024
Kaycen's birthday is just around the corner, and he's super excited about going on a fun shopping spree to get new toys. This is a really big deal for Kaycen because it will make him really happy and excited on his special day. A Target gift card would be the perfect gift because it would let Kaycen pick out toys that he's interested in and that he'll really enjoy playing with all summer long. With this gift, Kaycen will have wonderful memories of his birthday that will last a lifetime. This request has been split into two wishes to allow for an epic shopping trip! This is wish 1 of 2.

Kaycen is 6 years old and lives in IL

Kaycen, a resilient and bright child, has been profoundly affected by the challenges of the foster care system. Despite his tender age, Kaycen has already faced significant upheaval and uncertainty in his life. His infectious laughter and curiosity, however, shine through even in the face of adversity.

The Wish Story

Nerdy Media requests this wish for Kaycen.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kristen grants the wish for Kaycen! Thanks Kristen.

"Happy birthday, Kaycen!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Nerdy Media for Kaycen.

Nerdy Media receives the wish!

Kaycen receives the gift from Nerdy Media!

"Thank you!!"

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