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About This Wish

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Body lotion for Richard to keep his skin hydrated

Posted May 28, 2024
In a state where all the fun and activities are outside, Richard is all too familiar with having dry skin from the sun. Over the past few years, he's gotten really into taking care of his skin and making sure he feels his best. Recently, Richard has been running low of bathroom hygiene supplies. He would really love to get some body lotion to help him continue taking care of his skin.

Richard is 32 years old and lives in CA

Richard is a full-time, passionate and fun photographer. He absolutely loves to travel and spend time at local coffee shops to sit and read, write, or edit his photography. Richard's friends often describe him as social and entertaining - the life of the party.

The Wish Story

OSW By Us - 3 requests this wish for Richard.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Richard! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW By Us - 3 for Richard.

Richard receives the wish from OSW By Us - 3

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