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A fun kids play couch for Lilyana to have a comfy and safe place to jump and play

Posted Oct 3, 2024
Lilyana has been making great progress in her gross motor development recently. She is taking risks but still needs the safety of soft spaces. She lives in a home with two children under four years old. They have pillow and stuffed animal fights, and they build couch forts for fun and safety. Lilyana's caretakers believe that these activities are great for her creativity, safety, and gross motor development. Playing with this fun little play couch is something she can enjoy all year long with her cousins, helping them bond, laugh, and grow together.

Lilyana is 1 year old and lives in MO

Lilyana is a remarkable individual who embodies a variety of qualities that are difficult to articulate. Despite being petite, she exudes a powerful presence. She's like a cute little boss, showing potential to become a future CEO. She's assertive and makes sure her voice is heard. Lilyana enjoys outdoor activities, adores the pets in her home, and delights in activities such as sliding, climbing, playing dress-up, and being read to. Like many children who have been removed from their homes, she faces challenges, but she also represents hope in a world full of uncertainties. Despite having faced more than her fair share of hardships at a young age, she has coped remarkably well, and her caregivers are dedicated to ensuring that she experiences only joy.

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association requests this wish for Lilyana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lilyana! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you enjoy kiddo!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association for Lilyana.

Lilyana receives the wish from Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association

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