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An electric Go-Kart for Wally who loves being outside with friends

Posted Nov 1, 2024
Wally lives next door to two energetic brothers who own electric Go-Karts, and he can hardly contain his excitement whenever he sees them zooming around the neighborhood. The colorful karts whizz by, leaving trails of laughter in their wake, sparking Wally's imagination. With Christmas approaching, he's been daydreaming about receiving a Go-Kart of his own. The thought of racing around with his friends, feeling the wind in his hair, and the thrill of the outdoor adventure fills him with joy. Wally finds them incredibly cool, and he knows that having a Go-Kart would transform his outdoor play into unforgettable experiences filled with speed and excitement!

Wally is 7 years old and lives in NC

Wally is a 2nd grade student who loves to help the teacher and others with their work. He likes basketball and wants to be a famous basketball player or fireman when he grows up. Wally is learning how to write sentences, multiply, and divide. He has ADHD with other disorders and that has caused him to have to work even harder to learn, however, he realizes that he can learn and that is exciting to him. Wally loves helping his little brother and foster mother around the house. He loves playing with his foster brother who likes to follow his every move.

The Wish Story

Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem requests this wish for Wally.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Wally! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas, Wally! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem for Wally.

Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem receives the wish!

"Thank you so much for granting Wally's wish for a go-kart! He is so excited and loves being on the move! Happy holidays!"

Wally receives the wish from Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem

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