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AirPods for Manny to make their daily commute enjoyable

Posted Nov 7, 2024
Manny lost their headphones a few months ago and has been relying on a pair of cheap wired headphones that are often unreliable. Commuting around Los Angeles on the bus and metro is a regular part of Manny’s life, and having a pair of AirPods would truly enhance their experience. The prospect of wireless freedom excites Manny, allowing them to enjoy their music without the hassle of tangled wires or the frustration of their headphones cutting in and out. AirPods would make their daily commute not only more convenient but also much more enjoyable.

Manny is 23 years old and lives in CA

Manny grew up in homelessness with his mother up until his toddler years. Manny spent the rest of their childhood in the foster care system where they faced the horrors of group homes with a lack of monitoring and supervision. During his teenage years, Manny became a runaway homeless youth. Today, he works with many organizations dealing with policy and advocacy work and is starting his own clothing brand! Manny uses both he/him and they/them pronouns.

The Wish Story

Jennis Flower requests this wish for Manny.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dameon's Legacy Fund grants the wish for Manny! Thanks Dameon's Legacy Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jennis Flower for Manny.

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