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A tablet for Baron to improve his spelling and grammar

Posted Nov 23, 2024
Baron has ADHD, which poses challenges in maintaining his concentration and mastering his spelling. A tablet could be a valuable tool for him, providing support to enhance his focus and bolster his spelling skills. By utilizing the device's speech function, he can listen to the pronunciation of words, allowing him to sound them out as he practices writing them down. This interactive approach not only aids in improving his spelling but also assists with grammar, ultimately cultivating his overall academic abilities. With the help of a tablet, Baron has the opportunity to become a more confident and capable student.

Baron is 13 years old and lives in MO

Baron is an energetic, smart, outgoing young man who loves music, socializing with friends, and playing football. He wants to play football when he goes to college. Baron does very well in school, and his favorite subject is language arts. He loves to write stories and has won awards for his writing skills in 5th and 6th grade. Baron is very inquisitive, asking questions to find answers, and loves to fact-check. His ambition is to work for NASA, so he works hard to maintain his grades. Baron is placed in foster care.

The Wish Story

MO DSS Children's Division - Jackson County requests this wish for Baron.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Baron! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MO DSS Children's Division - Jackson County for Baron.

Baron receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - Jackson County

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