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Sensory toys for Augustus who loves exploring new textures

Posted Dec 11, 2024
Augustus frequently wears out his sensory toys, taking them with him everywhere. He uses them repeatedly until they deteriorate. He would greatly appreciate having some new sensory tubes and toys to better stimulate his sensory motor needs.

Augustus is 6 years old and lives in MO

Augustus is a cheerful little boy with sensory needs who hopes to have a service dog for his seizures. He loves animals, especially big furry cats, and enjoys chocolate shakes, sensory toys, music, and lights. He’s loving but shy and adapts well to different people and places.

The Wish Story

Abilities First requests this wish for Augustus.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Matthew grants the wish for Augustus! Thanks Matthew.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Augustus.

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