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Pull-Ups for Deidre whose child is growing quickly

Posted Jan 16, 2025
Deidre's daughter is growing up fast! She is just about ready to start getting potty trained. Deidre is eager to start the learning process but, unfortunately, is lacking the funds to purchase pull-ups. Funding this wish will take a big financial burden off of Deidre's shoulders and ensure her daughter is well cared for.

Deidre is 21 years old and lives in NY

Deidre is a hardworking young woman and a loving mother. She was recently approved for her first apartment and is extremely excited to have a safe environment to raise her daughter. Deidre will be starting work as a sub-paraprofessional and is planning to start an associate's program with the long-term goal of working in the mental health field. In her spare time, she hangs out with her sisters or dotes on her daughter.